Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Detailed concepts

These are obviously more concept art pictures. I spent a little more time on the last one, but I think it paid off. Enjoy. Or don't.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


This has nothing to do with the game, but I wanted to post this. I actually embellished a pencil and paper drawing I did last night of my silhouette that I saw in my phone's reflection. I wanted to put something cool in the background, so I added something like the cosmos in Photoshop since I've been reading a bit on astronomy and the likes recently. Anyway, it's not a real self-portrait, but it is my face that is silhouetted. Also, I updated the color and made the stars smaller to make this seem a little more like something you might actually see.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


This is both a departure from the game I've been working on with my recent pieces and also from the styles that I've been using. As you can see, this is a cell-shaded piece for an idea I had today. My thought was that this could potentially be an icon for a mobile game if I end up making anything out of it. Although, when compared to most icons on the app store, it's not the best. Anyway, there's some Wind Waker and Calvin & Hobbes influence here if you couldn't tell.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I'm starting to experiment with different styles of drawing. However, I wanted an illustration to base everything off of. I intended this to be very rough, but I ended up spending a couple of hours on it. Ultimately, the thing that made this image was the decision to outline everything in black. I think both the color and black-and-white version turned out alright.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

More Concept

I didn't spend nearly as much time on this one as the last piece, but I think it still turned out pretty good.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Game Concept

This piece took me way too long. It was cool to see the progress, though. I'm including four different images that represent the different stages of my process. It might be interesting for some people to see this.

The first picture was just a quick sketch of this character class for the game. The next sketch was one of a few different concepts that I went through. Ultimately, this is the one that I went with. The next sketch is the beginnings of a full illustration. I got the pose down, but the background and some other details changed a bit before the finished product. And last is obviously the finished product in color. It took a while to figure out exactly what I wanted in the background, but I ended up choosing this train station kind of setting. I also tried to incorporate a bunch of stuff I've been learning about for the past few months. It's not necessarily the best picture ever drawn, but I think it turned out alright.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


This one is a very rough drawing that started out as black and white that I tried adding color to. I think I finally figured out how to shade the face so that it looks believable.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Some sketches

Looks like I go a couple of months without drawing anything and then I start up again. Hopefully this time I'll be able to keep some momentum. Anyway, these two pictures aren't much, but there's a handful of sketches I did as concept art for the game. You can tell that I spent more time on some of them and less on others. I think a few of them turned out pretty cool, though, which is I guess the point of concept art.

Monday, May 5, 2014


It's been a little bit since I put anything on here. This is a continuation of concept art for my story that will someday happen. I kind of liked the idea of having an android doppelganger of the leader of the good guys, so I decided to draw a more detailed version. Aside from the concept, I tried to use some more dramatic lighting in this picture. It could probably still be polished a little more, but I'm going to move on to another drawing for now.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Comic book style

This isn't quite comic book style, but it's close. That's probably because a lot of the resources I used for this picture are from actual comic books. Anyway, this is another concept for my story. This guy is going to be the leader of the good guys. I haven't figured out what kind of power this guy might have, but I know I want him to always be well-dressed. My idea is that it will give him an air of leadership and might also allow for some comedy depending on who's talking.

Update: I added the second picture, which adds the android clone of this guy getting punched in the face. This isn't the best work I've done and I could add some more detail, but it works for now.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


I decided to try some 3D modeling with an open-source tool called Blender. After a few hours, I got used to how most of it works. I'm still no expert, but I think I understand the basics. This doesn't look like something Pixar would produce, but I think for one of my first attempts it turned out all right.

I didn't think to take a screenshot till I was pretty far along, but I thought it might be interesting to put the different stages up here. You can see in the second picture that I used 2D pictures as reference to make the 3D model. It helped keep the proportions correct.

Anyway, this is a little different than the usual pieces I work on, but it was kind of cool to do something like this. I think I prefer Photoshop and the Wacom tablet, but this helped me learn a lot about the anatomy of the face. I can even use this as a reference in the future for lighting and general perspective when I work on 2D pictures.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Soldier Ideas

These are the survivors of a battle to the death of 10 concepts for soldiers in my story. The others didn't make it because they were either crap or boring. As you can see, these are very rough drawings that I'll probably work on developing a little more.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


This is my first attempt at drawing a mech. Obviously, this sketch is a lot rougher than some of my other drawings and it only took me about an hour. As far as context, this is part of the story that I'm working on. All the bad guys are going to be technologically advanced and the good guys will have a sort of magical power or something along those lines. I still haven't worked out much of the story dynamics, but this is a start of some concept art for the machinery of the story.

Some inspiration for this is the Thor from Starcraft 2 and the Mantis from Halo 4.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Story Idea

It's been a while since I've put anything up here. I'm not sure I'm satisfied with how this one turned out, but I'm tired of working on it. Anyway, this picture is of an idea I have for a story. The setting is kind of before, during, and after an apocalypse type of war. This scene is right after the war and the girl is one of the main characters.

This was more of an exercise in character drawing, though. I learned a lot about facial structure, lighting, and how to use color. I'm probably going to try doing some more quicker drawings (speed paints) to improve on these points. I tend to polish things a lot, but doing some rough drawings might help solidify the basics.